State of the Bane 07APR2010 Ladies and gents (and comrades
)! Allow me to give you a quick update on the SBEmu project.
Some of the better news is already known. We decided to have a bit of fun and make the celebration of achieving Alpha a public event. It was a stress test, we fixed a lot of bugs, and people had fun. I'll count that as a win.
Resurrection Game World
The design team has been doing a bang up job filling in the gaps in the game world that we didn't get any recordings for. By their estimates, the world is approximately 90% populated with buildings and other structures.
What's next?
What is the next major task? NPC support. Code for NPC Vendors and Mobs is being designed as I type this! This work parallels the Item Management work that is ongoing. Both of these systems are deemed as extremely important to get right. Item transactions are a focal point since many of the SBLive exploits revolved around weaknesses in this system.
As you all know, the MorlochWiki has been taken offline recently. What you may not know is that the SBEmu Team has been working with the owner of MorlochWiki (Matthew Sorensen, aka Halethrain) to secure a copy of the database. Well, we have! One of the many tasks we are working on is getting this wonderful source of data back online!
Test Team Spin-up
With the stability and bug fixes that came out of the Alpha event combined with the status of the in game world, the SBEmu team decided it was time to spin up the internal Test Team. The Test Team will be performing the Closed Beta Test and will be the people managing the Open Beta Test.
New Client Team Spin-up
Because the task of creating a new client from the ground up is such an enormous task, I have been reluctant to start work on it until we had a better feel for whether SBEmu was going to get off the ground or not. Now that victory is nearly assured, and the desire to get out from underneath UBI's spotlight is growing, its time to break ground on a new client! We will be doing this the right way from the ground up, using proven technologies rather than in house techs. (Cough Cough Arcane Engine Cough).
So if you have a decent amount of C++/OGL experience and the time to help, drop an application in the recruitment section. That being said, please refrain from posting an app that basically boils down to: "I don't have any skills per say, but would like to help anyways!" While we appreciate the sentiment, we just don't have the time to develop AND teach.
Lastly, the new client project is likely to be as big as the Server project was, so don't expect it to be in your hands anytime soon!
Technical stuff
Much of the code base has become 'mature' in the sense that the design of it is no longer changing very much at all. This stability has allowed us to optimize and stabilize much of the code base. Initial benchmarks show that peak values during the Alpha Event:
-We had 450 people online at one time
-We averaged <5% CPU usage with 8% spikes.
-We saw a peak of 350MB of ram used (of the 6GB available)
...and there is still plenty of streamlining left to do!
State of the Bane 07APR2010
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什么是下一个主要任务?全国人民代表大会的支持。人大厂商和暴民代码正在设计为I型的!这项工作平行的项目管理工作正在进行中。这些系统都被视为非常重要的获得的权利。项目交易是一个焦点,因为许多攻击的SBLive revol
因为从地面创造一个新的客户端了任务就是这样一项艰巨的任务,我一直不愿意就开始工作,直到它是否SBEmu我们为将要下车的地面或不是一个更好的感觉。现在,胜利几乎是保证,并希望得到下面充氧的聚光灯增长了,它的时间,打破地面上一个新的客户!我们将做从地面走这条路时,使用经过验证的技术,而不是在家里科技股。 (咳嗽咳嗽咳嗽奥引擎)。
因此,如果你有一个C + + /黎巴嫩观察团的经验和时间来帮助体面的数额,下降一节在招聘中的应用。话虽这么说,请从发布一个应用程序,基本上可以归结为避免:“我没有任何技能,每说,但不管怎么说愿意帮助!”虽然我们赞赏的情绪,我们只是没有时间来培养和教导。
,我们看到了一个繁忙的RAM 350MB使用(6GB的可用的)