tangseng008 版主
帖子数 : 908 注册日期 : 10-02-02
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 04.05.10 12:08 | |
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海绵宝宝 魔剑游侠
帖子数 : 48 注册日期 : 10-02-21
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 04.05.10 13:04 | |
| 我什么没有狼人族啊~~~有吸血鬼的地方就有狼人的啊 |
tangseng008 版主
帖子数 : 908 注册日期 : 10-02-02
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 04.05.10 17:20 | |
| 魔剑里有狼人这个种族嘛... [要查看本图请先注册并登录] |
mf-max 总版主
帖子数 : 1793 注册日期 : 10-02-02
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 04.05.10 22:36 | |
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tangseng008 版主
帖子数 : 908 注册日期 : 10-02-02
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 04.05.10 23:01 | |
| 狼人是副职吧... 把副职也考虑进种族里面做起来就复杂了,而且感觉很乱 |
mf-max 总版主
帖子数 : 1793 注册日期 : 10-02-02
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 05.05.10 21:48 | |
| 浪人是 变形状态的,不是属于种族,呵呵增加点色彩。 |
zoushiru 魔剑侠客
帖子数 : 230 注册日期 : 10-04-03
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 05.05.10 22:59 | |
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tangseng008 版主
帖子数 : 908 注册日期 : 10-02-02
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 06.05.10 10:37 | |
| - mf-max 写道:
- 浪人是 变形状态的,不是属于种族,呵呵增加点色彩。
副职加进去就多了..还有鼠人,熊人...亡灵还能变食尸鬼.. |
mf-max 总版主
帖子数 : 1793 注册日期 : 10-02-02
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 12.05.10 0:11 | |
| 非人类应该在国王时期前都属于精灵王统治的吧,自精灵王背叛了上帝后,法力受到削弱,部分非人族,逃离了精灵的控制,人类经过几代繁衍开始鼎盛。 |
blas 魔剑游民
帖子数 : 2 注册日期 : 10-05-12
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 12.05.10 1:53 | |
| 这消息真是令人感动……于是我也来支持一把,此帖亦当作报道帖:P(由于这帖是我凭记忆写的,还没重新查资料,一些地方还不肯定,为脑补) 真要说的话,SB后期已经有了正邪两方的对立——ROC资料片开后,邪神(Dark lords)作为黑暗方,而All-Father所在的主神阵营为光明方(虽然All-Father还是在划水OJZ)。到了这个关系整个Aerynth存亡的大危机,争战不休的“原住民种族”也团结起来一致对外了。 根据官方设定可看作是: 黑暗方:人魔、吸血鬼 光明方:人类、矮人、半人马、精灵,半精,牛头,半巨人 艾克——虽然他们是拜龙拜太阳的,但我觉得也是会加入光明方的吧,毕竟Dark lords赢了他们也跟着遭殃。 不明方: 鹰人——他们是穿越来的 暗影——可能一些站在光明方,一些站在黑暗方……站光明方的多些。 至于吸血鬼,原官方网站上也有种族资料的:大意貌似是说吸血鬼跟种族无关,玩死灵魔法啊跟邪恶沾染啊任何种族都能通过邪恶仪式转变之……(顺带一提,人魔是人类尸体被恶魔附身的结果,相当于Dark lords嫡系部队耶) VampiresThe Vampires: Their People Whatever form they held in life, when a Vampire is Born to Darkness (as they themselves refer to their transformation) their bodies are completely transformed. Wiped away are any vestiges of their old selves - the old colored or tattooed skin crumbles into dust, revealing a pale, cold flesh that is as hard as granite. Vampires still retain the semblance of gender (though useless, since their soulless dead flesh can neither sire nor bear children), appearing as hauntingly beautiful, nearly perfect physical forms. Their pale skin, red glowing eyes, and bestial, bat-like ears offer visible testimony to their dark allegiance. Vampires most closely resemble Shades, though next to a Vampire's imposing form any Shade looks clumsy and half-finished, like an ill-wrought sculpture.For thousands of years legends have sprung up around Vampires, wild tales that have attributed all manner of powers and weaknesses to them. Some say that any who drink the cold blood of a Vampire will become a Vampire themselves, while others claim that vampire blood degenerates any who drink it into hideous, feral beasts. Vampires, some say, can be held at bay by mirrors, burned by silver, or driven mad by spilling a handful of salt upon the ground! The Vampires of legend were burned by sunlight, though since the Turning none of them seem to mind the light of day. Now that so many Vampires walk the lands of Aerynth, many of these legendary powers and vulnerabilities have finally been proven false, or seem only to apply to a few Vampires. Though still mysterious, Sages and Wizards have been able to establish some vampiric powers with certainty.The uncanny power of the Void infuses the dead flesh of all Vampires, *** them uncannily quick, brutally strong, and unnaturally resilient. It is as if death and rebirth have swept away all the limitations of their old bodies, and even their minds are quick and keen, unconstrained by a lifetime of experience or emotion. Their soul, however, is lost to them, and Vampires lack great spiritual aptitude, though their wills remain strong and cold as adamant. Though their wills still animate their bodies in a mocking semblance of life, Vampires are wholly dead beings: they do not breathe, or eat, or sleep. Vampires are also incredibly difficult to kill, their marble-hard flesh deflecting blows that would eviscerate lesser beings. It is as if Death itself, already owning their souls, refuses to claim them again. This unholy Fortitude is not without limits: indeed, Vampires are still vulnerable to lesser hurts, and are especially vulnerable to fire and holy energies.For all their mighty powers, the Vampires also bear a dreadful curse: their undead dead flesh also has no power to heal or sustain itself, and indeed without the infusion of new essence, a Vampire's powerful body would putrefy into a heap of foulness, or wither away into dust. Their unholy natures render Vampires almost immune to the healing magics of the Gods of Law and Light, leaving the Nightborn with only one means of sustaining themselves: leeching the life essence from others by drinking fresh blood. Vampires live in a constant awareness of the Thirst, craving the blood that is all that stands between them and true death.The Vampires: Their Ways Ever since mortals first peered into the dark voids beyond the world, there have been those who have longed to serve the baleful powers that brood and hunger Outside. The first Vampires arose among the Moraenarth, the Thirteen Elvish heretics who first contacted the will of the Void and laid the foundations of Necromancy. Since that fateful time, there have been others who have sought out the forgotten secrets of the Thirteen and forged pacts of their own with the Hungering Dark. There are also grim legends, still whispered among the Sons of Men, that mortals with black souls who renounce the Gods and commit hideous draw the notice of the Void, whether they wish to or not. The Dark takes root in them the very moment their mortal body dies, transforming them into Vampires without any necromantic pacts or rituals. However they are created, Vampires have one goal: to call forth the Darkness to Aerynth, where it shall quench all lights and be the death of all that draws breath.Through the last two ages of the world, there have never been more than a handful of Vampires, lurking in ruined wastelands far from civilization. With the beginning of the Dark Crusades, however, the number of Vampires that walk the lands of Aerynth has grown at a terrifying pace. Where once they were content to scheme and plot in their remote fortresses, now they walk openly among the other peoples of Aerynth, spreading terror and mayhem, drinking blood, leading Shroud Cults, and proclaiming for all to hear that the final Doom of Aerynth is at hand.Most Vampires renounce any or all ties of kinship with their birth race. The Dark has given them great power and a new birth, and their past lives are not even faintly remembered. Vampires feel a great affinity with Shades, whom they regard as lesser versions of themselves, worthy servants of their ambitions. For their part, Shades who have embraced the darker sides of their nature venerate Vampires as near Gods, the emissaries of the Darkness beyond the Shroud. Vampires are completely at ease with undead of any kind, and often marshal great hordes of spirits and moldering corpses to unleash upon the living. The Nightborn are divided in their opinions of "the Cattle" (as they call all living things); most feel nothing but disgust for all who still breathe, and despise the fact that they must depend upon the blood of lesser beings to survive. Others find the living to be convenient tools and slaves, and enthrall them with their strong wills or the promise of dark power. |
blas 魔剑游民
帖子数 : 2 注册日期 : 10-05-12
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 12.05.10 2:12 | |
| 于是也把我收集的官方网站的设定打个包上传了网盘 http://u.115.com/file/f88736a21c魔剑官方背景设定.rar 内含天人翻译的所有中文设定资料+UBI SB官网上的设定(很多是直接保存的网页,比如副职,都有职业描述……)+ 我在关服前拍的一些游戏里才有的地方说明……(可惜的是各地图不同的F是不同的,而且肯定还有不少零散的“导游NPC”我没碰到) |
tangseng008 版主
帖子数 : 908 注册日期 : 10-02-02
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 12.05.10 10:11 | |
| 楼上的牛啊 [要查看本图请先注册并登录] max快来参考下 [要查看本图请先注册并登录] |
mf-max 总版主
帖子数 : 1793 注册日期 : 10-02-02
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 13.05.10 14:58 | |
| 哇、太好了。。。 呵呵、应该会有对阵的阵营,真是个喜讯啊。 |
tangseng008 版主
帖子数 : 908 注册日期 : 10-02-02
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 14.05.10 18:33 | |
| 可惜相关的都是E文... 俺只认识26个 [要查看本图请先注册并登录] |
mf-max 总版主
帖子数 : 1793 注册日期 : 10-02-02
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 22.05.10 13:54 | |
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tangseng008 版主
帖子数 : 908 注册日期 : 10-02-02
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 22.05.10 14:54 | |
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tangseng008 版主
帖子数 : 908 注册日期 : 10-02-02
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 24.05.10 10:09 | |
| max猪你把那个论坛在群里或者这个论坛宣传下... 不过我要说的是...那个论坛有点慢...家里和办公室都是... |
吖发 魔剑游民
帖子数 : 8 注册日期 : 10-05-07
| 主题: 回复: 欢迎大家来投稿,制作我们心中的魔剑CG动画 24.05.10 17:49 | |
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